Try the political quiz

255 Replies


What personal experiences have led you to value (or question) the solidarity within your community?

 @9KCJSZT from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

It is a conflict I am not a part of so I'm not sure.

 @9KJH4MC from Louisiana disagreed…3mos3MO

I, as a woman, should be able to feel safe walking in public without fear of sexual assault or gun violence.

 @9KCLVPG from Oklahoma answered…3mos3MO

I think the only personal experience I've ever had is boycotting certain brands who were with Israel and obviously having to take off Beyonce off of my playlists because I don't want to support a genocide as best as I can. However, the there are definitely other factors in what makes me question how genuine our government is and biased our law making system is in the presence of Israel's influence of wanting to take land away from Palestinians. The other factors being how forms of protest for the genocide is very silencing with news outlets and social media, using distractions…  Read more

 @9KCJRPQ from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I want to help people that are struggling in countries where genocides are happening.

 @9KCJFWG from Virginia answered…3mos3MO


How important do you believe it is to preserve the cultural and historical narratives of all ethnic groups within a nation?


Very important even without anti-Zionism culture and historical events are very important.

 @9L352KN from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

Very important, culture and history is the root of countries, cities, and states

 @9L34JLZ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Live and let live. All beliefs have a place right or wrong. No one group should be eliminated and we need to recognize states as they become prominent. They also need to respect other states.


What role should the narrative of the less powerful play when the world discusses territory and sovereignty?


A big one because if there are more less power people there can be more opinions on a matter like this.

 @9L34STLWorkers from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

Discussions should be equal and fair, relegated by a neutral third party.

 @9L34JLZ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

Israel needs to be considered sovereign but also need to consider other groups as sovereign as well.


Have you ever had to stand up for someone being treated unfairly—how does that shape your views on statehood and sovereignty?

 @9JSJJGR from New York answered…4mos4MO

I have, I think that racism and the boatload of other race/sex/religion negative things today are still present and it's something we as a society need to work on

 @9JSJ98F from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

 @9JSKX64 from Oregon answered…4mos4MO

It sucks being treated unfairly and nobody should have to deal with it, it makes me want to help.


How would you suggest we educate others on the complex issues surrounding nationhood and cultural identity?

 @9HTMFYP from North Carolina commented…5mos5MO

To teach others about complex issues like nationhood and cultural identity, we can use stories and examples, talk with others and listen to their ideas, use videos, podcasts, and articles, and start with the basics. This will help people better understand these topics so that they can think about them carefully and form their own opinions.

 @9HTBBBH from New York answered…5mos5MO

 @9HT9WT3 from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

I feel like we should teach from a young age, maybe 10 or 11, about the different cultures we may see in our world.

 @9HT53BQ from Texas commented…5mos5MO

Show all the facts. Present equal amounts of time hearing from opposing sides. Do your own research, for some people they don’t care or know about their own culture or how or who to identify with.


What emotional impact does hearing about forced migrations and loss of homeland have on your views on international policies?

 @9KZCW6V from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

We should sympathize, but recognize that our national security is still a more important issue and make our decisions with that in mind

 @9KZ78SQ  from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

It is a very saddening situation in general. I believe no one should ever take it upon themselves to place themselves into a land and try to dictate how the people who were already there live, especially when they do it through extreme acts of violence.

 @9KZ74YQIndependent from Utah answered…3mos3MO

We must respect the independence of other nations and cannot be swept in to their affairs, no matter how evil or dire it may be

 @9KZ74WN from Wyoming answered…3mos3MO


How do you balance one group's quest for a homeland with the rights and homes of another?

 @9HFQS29 from Washington answered…6mos6MO

Someones right to a home should not be fulfilled if it requires them to remove another group of people from there home with force. Palestine should continue to own there land and Zionists should be placed in a less conflicting area.

 @9HFQQLRDemocrat from Florida answered…6mos6MO

Any country or nation should not be allowed and supported to kill off a whole race of people for a "homeland" no matter what

 @9HFRM5F from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

In terms of Israel and Palestine, Israel should dismantle any existing settlements in the occupied West Bank, withdraw from Gaza, return to pre-1967 borders, and recognize the State of Palestine. In return, the Palestinian authority and the Arab League will recognize the State of Israel.

 @9HFRGJ8 from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

Jewish people were moved into the Middle East, and we cannot change that, but we cannot prevent them from fighting back when attacked. While civilians are getting injured, there is not much Israel can do to avoid this


How would you feel if someone took over your home to create a state for themselves?

 @9H3R3D6Peace and Freedom from Maryland answered…7mos7MO

 @9H4MQT7 from Ohio answered…7mos7MO

I wouldn't let them that's why I have guns and other weapons in my house so that I can protect myself from people like that. They won't like me when they threaten me.

 @9H3M6DC from Washington answered…7mos7MO


Why do you think dialogue between opposing groups often fails, and how could it be improved?

 @9HZQT72 from Florida answered…5mos5MO

I think that oftentimes the debate surrounding gets caught up in false facts.

 @9HZQ6VP from Washington answered…5mos5MO

it could improved if we just agreed on something and did not fight or oppose

 @9HZQTYR from California answered…5mos5MO


How can people from divergent backgrounds come together to shape a shared future without erasing their distinct pasts?

 @9HM9H32  from Georgia answered…6mos6MO

By trying to understand others as they continue to live in a future together

 @9HM9B94 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

To learn more about the environment and people around. Culture is also very important as well.


What does 'home' mean to you, and how would that definition change if you were forced to leave it behind?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

My family has been in the military for years. When I was a kid, we moved once in a while, and I considered every new place I moved to to be “home”.

 @9L749X7 from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

home to me is were I lay my head at night. If I was forced out of my house, I would just find another and move on.

 @9L748F8 from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Home to me is not just the place you feel most comfortable but the people you feel most comfortable and safe with.


Imagine your cultural identity is threatened; how do you think this should be addressed by others?


Do the past sufferings of one group warrant the suffering of others in present times?


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